Open Development Tools
Development Tools
Mise lets you install and run multiple versions of a programming language on the same machine. It's like rbenv or rvm for Ruby or virtualenv for Python, but it works for a bunch of different environments.
To install, say, Ruby 3.3, you'd run mise install ruby@3.3
. Or, if your project has a .ruby-version file, you can just run mise i
in the root of that project.
Mise works for Ruby, Python, Go, Java, Elixir, Node.js.
If you need to install PHP or Rust, you can do so via the Omakub command, which also runs as a front-end for mise, via the Install > Dev Language menu.
GitHub CLI
The GitHub CLI let's you authenticate with your GitHub account and clone private repositories using it. To authenticate, run gh auth login
. Then you can checkout private repositories using gh repo clone org/repo
You can also perform a bunch of other GitHub operations using this command. Just run gh
to see everything that'