Commercial GUIs

Omakub is mostly focused on providing free, open source software, but it's not religious about it. Sometimes the best solution is a commercial offering, and that's just fine. Here are some of the options we provide an easy installation for.


Keeping your passwords in a password manager is a best practice. Doubly so if you're working with a team. And 1password is a great solution, which also comes with a command line tool for integrating key lookups in scripts.


Typora is a minimal, distraction-free writing tool in the same spirit as iA Writer for the Mac and Windows. Like Obsidian, it uses Markdown for formatting, but in a way that's focused on writing individual pieces or essays and very little else.

Best used in full screen mode (F11) for that totally immersive nothing-but-words look.

It comes with a 15-day free trial, and is then a $15 one-time cost.



Dropbox is a great way to sync files between machines while keeping a backup in the cloud.


Spotify is the world's most popular streaming music service. And the Linux application provides everything you'd expect, including offline playing.


Steam is the most popular PC gaming store, and thanks to Valve's investment in Linux through the Steam Deck, a ton of great games run perfectly on the platform. This is an optional installation.


RubyMine is a dedicated Ruby IDE built by JetBrains.


Zoom is the most popular video chat system used in the US. Great connections across the world. And 40-minute meetings can be held without a paying account.