
Omakub uses the beautiful Cascadia Mono font by default, but in a version that's been modified to include the Nerd Font symbols, which are used in the terminal, Neovim, and other TUIs (Terminal User Interfaces) to provide iconography.

But we also include three other options that can easily be configured for both terminal, Neovim, and even VSCode. Run the Omakub application, pick Font, and you'll be able to choose between Fira Mono, JetBrains Mono, and Meslo.

If none of these options suit your eye, checkout the full Nerd Font selection. There's also GitHub's new Monaspace font and, if you're a high roller, the $75 Berkeley Mono.

You can change the size of the font in the Omakub application under Font/Change size. This just affects the terminal and all the applications that run in it. VSCode, and other applications, have their own settings.